Bringing Power to the People
With its picturesque scenery and largely untapped natural resources, Polillo Island has become more popular as a tourist destination in the last fve years. But life on the island used to be far from idyllic. Until 2015, the estimated 70,000 population had very limited source of electricity.
For around 16 hours of rationed electricity per day, residents had to make do with private generators and batteries to light their homes, run their electronics and appliances. The unstable power supply hampered Polillo’s development for many years, and progress had been slow.
It was this dire need that gave rise to Renesons Energy Polillo (REP), founded by Gerwyn See with his family. REP is the pilot project of MASE Holdings—with key services that include off-grid energy solutions, coconut processing facilities, logistics and transportation.
“Right from the start, we felt DBP’s presence and willingness to help,” said See. On May 2019, the frst phase of developments on the 3.5MW-Capacity Diesel and Biomass Power Plant was completed. The project was funded using the initial loan grant from DBP.
The power plant is located within the Polillo Industrial and Energy Park, a 5.5-hectare facility of energy and agro-industrial enterprises.
Upon completion, the Industrial and Energy Park will also house a modern coconut oil mill and a 1.5MW biomass power plant fed by the island’s abundant coconut waste. It will also have an eco-tourism facility.
See remarked that among all other banks REP approached, it was DBP that had the most expertise to see the project to its fruition. “They have a deep understanding of communities like ours and earnest empathy for the plight of the developers like us.”
Renesons Energy Polillo is a pioneering business model for sustainability, innovation, and corporate social responsibility in the country. Likewise, it provided employment opportunities. Aside from about 40 on-site employees, REP also has staff in its Metro Manila ofce.
Today, Polillo Island is free from unplanned and unscheduled power outages. The island enjoys uninterrupted electricity 24/7 attracting more micro, small, and medium enterprises; revitalizing the local industries, and ultimately improving the quality of life of the people.